Welcome to the Water Fittings and Materials Directory
A unique reference directory of fittings, materials and appliances approved for use on the UK Water Supply System by the Water Regulations Advisory Scheme and the Secretary of State at the Department of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.
The popular Water Fittings and Materials Directory used throughout the UK water industry is now provided as an on-line, searchable database for which no subscription is necessary. The database is updated regularly so that the latest information is readily available to users.
The WATER REGULATIONS ADVISORY SCHEME is funded by all the UK Water Suppliers. The Scheme is managed from the office of WRc-NSF in South Wales. WRAS publicises and promotes consistent interpretation of the Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations 1999, the Water Byelaws 2003 (Scotland) and the Northern Ireland water regulations. It also operates the Water Industry’s scheme for approving water fittings and materials for compliance with the regulations.
Products granted WRAS Approved Product status have been assessed and approved by representatives of the UK Water Suppliers themselves – the same authorities which have the legal duty to enforce the regulations and make day-to-day decisions about the acceptability of fittings.
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