2007년 10월 4일 목요일

LPCB (loss prevention certification board)

About us
BRE Certification (incorporating LPCB) is a sister company to BRE. We are a wholly owned subsidiary of the BRE Trust, which is a registered research and education charity.

As a world leading third party certification / approvals body we are dedicated to approving fire, security, construction, and environmental, products and services worldwide. Our approvals are designed to help a wide range of sectors, including: construction, healthcare, insurance, offices, manufacturers, shops, schools, transport & infrastructure etc.
For information about the history of approvals, click here.
Approval (or certification as it is also known) is independent third party confirmation that a product, system or service meets and continues to meet a standard, where there are no published standards, products may be approved to our own specialised designed schedules.
We approve products and services to many different standards including:
Our own Loss Prevention Standards (LPS)
British Standards (BS)
International (ISO)
European (EN)
Underwriters Laboratories (UL)
We believe our marks stand for something special - they are true 'quality marks' and are recognised across the world.

Certification of fire and security products and services.
Certification of construction products, environmental schemes and Health and Safety.
We are accredited by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service for most of our schemes and our accreditation covers product, personnel and quality management systems.
We are a Notified Body under the Construction Products Directive (CPD), the Marine Equipment Directive (MED), the Pressure Equipment Directive (PED) and the Transportable Pressure Equipment Directive (TPED).
Choosing good quality products and services sends positive messages to influencers and stakeholders such as regulators, insurers, lenders, customers and suppliers. Our approvals give you a number of intangible benefits, such as compliance with legislation, market entry, differentiation and confidence etc. Choosing products and services, tested and approved against the appropriate standards is important and in the long run could save you time and money.
Understand just how our approvals process works and why it is so highly regarded. To ensure quality and to avoid misuse of standards, we list all approved products, services and licensees in our Red Book, which is updated here everyday. So search our Red Book to check the latest listings.
With the most extensive fire testing laboratories in the world, a highly qualified team of expert scientists and engineers, we are also uniquely placed to offer testing, research, specialist advice and a bespoke one stop shop service to a wide range of clients.
Business particulars:
The Red Books are a product of LPCB
The Loss Prevention Certification Board (LPCB) is a part of BRE Certification Ltd
BRE Certification Limited, Registered in England and Wales, number 3548352. Registered address: Bucknalls Lane, Garston, Watford WD25 9XXVAT registration number GB 689 9499 27.
BRE Certification Ltd is owned by the BRE Trust.
BRE Trust, Registered under number 3282856 in England and Wales, and registered as a charity (No 1092193).Registered address as above.

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