2007년 9월 29일 토요일

Franklin Hodge Industries storage tank - Products(2)

Galvanized Liquitainer
Where space is at a premium, the Liquitainer ® / Firetainer ® tank is an ideal solution for bulk water storage indoors or out. A wide range of shapes and any length or width can be catered for, with a maximum height of 4.5m.
Using steel sections of either rectangular, circular or u-beams, a structure is formed which eliminates the need for internal bracing. Galvanised steel panels are bolted between the sections and the interior is fitted with an open top tailored membrane liner. Alternative covers are available either fl at with a raised ball valve housing for indoor use, or with a low profile pitch for outdoor use.
Liquitainer ®/ Firetainer ® tanks can be located on any suitable flat load bearing surface, such as an existing reinforced concrete floor, or roof top, and are simply bolted to the floor surface.
Firetainer ® tanks are approved by the UK Loss Prevention Certification Board for the storage of fire sprinkler water.

Versatility in design. A variety of shapes and sizes can be supplied. Existing obstructions such as building support columns can be encapsulated within the tank by ‘sleeving’ the membrane liner around them.
Ease and speed of assembly. No sealants are used in the construction of the tank. All that is required is straightforward site assembly.
Simplicity of foundations. There is no need to seal the tank to the concrete foundation. The membrane liner has a floor in it and the tank shell is simply bolted to the foundation.
Low maintenance. The outer steelwork structure is hot dip galvanised to BS EN ISO 1461 (1999) and the shell panels and connection plates are manufactured from pre-galvanised steel sheet coated with a heavy duty spangle finish, complying to BS EN 10147 Grade Fe E280G. Internally the membrane liner will not rot or degrade in the same way that other coatings and finishes do, under normal water storage conditions.

Galvanised Tritainer

For small to medium capacities of water storage, where space is at a premium, the Tritainer ®/ Firetainer ® tank offers a cost effective solution.
Using triangular shaped galvanised steel panels which make up 1.0m2 modules that are then bolted together on site, a rapidly assembled rectangular tank that can fit into small and difficult spaces can be provided. Internally a hot vulcanised tailor made membrane liner is fitted to the tank. Any length and width can be catered for, with a maximum height of 2.5m.
Firetainer ® tanks are approved by the UK Loss Prevention Certification Board for the storage of fire sprinkler water.

- Easy to handle, relatively small panels, enabling easy access to restricted areas.
- No internal bracing. This means no internal corrosion problems.
- No sealants or gaskets to the tank shell, which means faster installation and elimination of
leakage problems.
- Insulation can be placed internally between the tank liner and tank wall, thereby protecting
the insulation from the environment and vandalism.
Aluminium Liquitainer
Where space is at a premium, the Liquitainer ®/ Firetainer ® tank is an ideal solution for bulk water storage indoors or out. A wide range of shapes and any length or width can be catered for, with a maximum height of 5.4m.
Using steel sections of either rectangular, circular or u-beams, a structure is formed which eliminates the need for internal bracing. Aluminium panels are bolted between the sections and the interior is fi tted with an open top tailored membrane liner. Alternative covers are available either flat with a raised ball valve housing for indoor use, or with a low profile pitch for outdoor use.
Liquitainer ®/ Firetainer ® tanks can be located on any suitable flat load bearing surface, such as an existing reinforced concrete floor, or roof top, and are simply bolted to the floor surface.
Firetainer ® tanks are approved by the UK Loss Prevention Certification Board for the storage of fi re sprinkler water.

Versatility in design.
A variety of shapes and sizes can be supplied. Existing obstructions such as building support columns can be encapsulated within the tank by ‘sleeving’ the membrane liner around them.
Ease and speed of assembly.
No sealants are used in the construction of the tank. All that is required is straightforward site assembly.
Simplicity of foundations.
There is no need to seal the tank to the concrete foundation. The membrane liner has a fl oor in it and the tank shell is simply bolted to the foundation.
Low maintenance.
The outer steelwork structure is hot dip galvanised to BS EN ISO 1461 (1999) and the aluminium shell panels are of a marine grade aluminium alloy to BS EN AW 5083 H22. Internally the membrane liner will not rot or degrade in the same way that other coatings and fi nishes do, under normal water storage conditions.

댓글 1개:

  1. Tank failure could cost your business dearly so at the first sign of trouble bring in the experts who can conduct Tank Lining in a timely manner. They have solutions that will ensure your tank can operate with complete efficiency in the future.

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