2019년 4월 21일 일요일

What is the name of a water tank called by country?

What is the name of a water tank called by country?

물탱크 -  WATER TANK, WATERTANK, Bồn nước.


에스엠씨물탱크  - Sheet Molding Compound Panel Water Tank.

SMC물탱크, SMCTANK, SMC Water Tank, SMC Panel Tank,

SMC Panel Water Tank. SMC Sectional Panel Tank, SMC Sectional Panel Watertank.

Bồn nước lắp ghép SMC, FRP ボルト組立式パネルタンク, SMC水箱. FRP水箱


지알피물탱크 - Glass Fibre Plastics Water Tank.

GRPTANK . GRP Tank, GRP Water Tank, GRP Panel Tank,

GRP Panel Water Tank, GRP Sectional Panel Tank, GRP Sectional Panel Watet Tank.

Bồn nước lắp ghép GRP, FRP ボルト組立式パネルタンク. FRP水箱



스테인레스물탱크 - Stainless Steel Water Tank.

STS Tank, STS Water Tank, STS Sectional Panel Tank,

STS Sectional Panel Watertank.

Bồn nước lắp ghép- Inox, STS水箱


SUS물탱크 - Stainless Use Steel Water Tank.

SUS Tank, SUS Water Tank, ボルト組立形ステンレスパネルタンク

Bồn nước lắp ghép- Inox S304 , Inox S316L. STS水箱


에프알피물탱크 - Fibre Reinforced Plastics Water Tank.

FRPTANK, FRP TANK, FRP Panel Tank, FRP Panel Water Tank.

FRP Bồn nước, FRP タンク, FRP水箱


피이물탱크-Polyethylene Water Tank.

폴리에틸렌물탱크, PE물탱크, Polyethylene Tank, Polyethylene Watertank.

PE Bồn nước PE Bồn nhựa, PE Bồn chứa nước, ポリエチレンタンク, PE水箱.
Water Tank is very important to all people.

We respect the person who works in the water tank.
Main Product :
- GRP TANK (SMC TANK) . GRP Sectional Panel Water Tank .
- GRP Manhole and Cover
H.Q: 194-6, Yulma-Ro, Daegot-Myun, Gimpo-City, Gyeonggi-Do, South Korea
- Water Tank Dep't : T. +82 31 997 8704 F. +82 31 997 8705
- Manhole Dep't : T. +82 31 989 8705 F. +82 31 989 8705
Http : www.grptank.com    (Eng) E-mail : info@grptank.com
주요생산품목 (SMC/GFRP재질 강화플라스틱)
SMC물탱크(조립식) , 내진SMC물탱크.
한전맨홀(지중용저압접속함체/인입용&간선용), 전기맨홀.
본사 : 경기도 김포시 대곶면 율마로194번길6
031-997 8704 Fax. 031-997 8705
031-989 8710 Fax. 031-989 8705
H. www.smctank.co.kr      E. info@smctank.co.kr

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