2019년 4월 18일 목요일


GRP TANK / SMC TANK / FRP TANK Installation Step.

1. GRP Panel (Bottom, Drain, Side Panel, Roof Panel, Manhole)Check.
2. Steel Skid Check.
3. Accessories Check.

4. Concrete Foundation  Horizontality Check
5. Steel Skid Assembling on the Concrete.
 5-1. If the level is not correct after assembling the base channel, adjust it using a liner.
 5-2. To make the steel skid flat by filling gaps between steel skid and water tank.

6. Sealing Tape.
6-1. Attached the sealing tape(50mm) to the flange for all of the bottom panel.
  - The sealing tape should be applied to all assembled flange surfaces.
  - The centre side of the sealing tape should be overlapped by about 50mm.
  - The panel on which the tape is applied should be cleaned of any dirt,
    especially the attached surface.
 - The protective strip should be removed right before the assembling process.

7. Assembly of Drainage Fitting. 
 - Select a hole saw that suits the size of the fitting and cut the required hole.

8. Bottom Panel Block-A
 8-1. To assemble a bottom panel block, first connect several bottom panels into a sub-block.
 8-2. Determine the block size according to the site condition, the work space, number of workers, use or non-use of a crane, etc.

 8-3. Turn over the assembled bottom panel block.
 - Attachement PVC Sealing Tape (50mm)

9. Side Panel Assembly
 - Attachement PVC Sealing Tape (50mm)
 - Assembly of side panel block-A
 - Check to Outlet Fitting

10. Corner Flame Assembly
 - Put 120mm sealing Tape on the corner frame for water tightness between wall panels and corner frames.
 - Duplicate 120mm sealing tape under the corner frame.(150mm)
 - Attach the corner frame to the side side panel Block.

11. Connceting Side panel and Bottom

12. Roof Panel and  Manhole Panel.

13. Inside Bracket for Tie rods.
 - Internal Ladder

14. Air Vent on the Roof Panel.

15. External Ladder Assembly
16. Level Gauge
17. Anchor Set.
 - It is necessary for the water tank constructor to exactly place and tighten
  the anchor bolts provided by SMC Co.,Ltd on the designed location of the foundation concrete.

 - Fasten the anchor bolts on the anchor bracket which were installed on the foundation frame.

18. Cleaning in and out of the Water-Tank

Main Product :
- GRP TANK (SMC TANK) . GRP Sectional Panel Water Tank .
- GRP Manhole and Cover
H.Q: 194-6, Yulma-Ro, Daegot-Myun, Gimpo-City, Gyeonggi-Do, South Korea
- Water Tank Dep't : T. +82 31 997 8704 F. +82 31 997 8705
- Manhole Dep't : T. +82 31 989 8705 F. +82 31 989 8705
Http : www.grptank.com    (Eng) E-mail : info@grptank.com
주요생산품목 (SMC/GFRP재질 강화플라스틱)
SMC 물탱크(조립식) , 내진 SMC물탱크.
한전맨홀(지중용 저압접속함체/인입용&간선용)
통신맨홀 . 소화전맨홀 . 신호등맨홀 , 전기맨홀
본사 : 경기도 김포시 대곶면 율마로194번길6
031-997 8704 Fax. 031-997 8705
031-989 8710 Fax. 031-989 8705

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