2019년 4월 8일 월요일

Concrete Foundation(Plinth) Work for GRP TANK

Concrete Foundation (Plinth) Work.  



1. Customer should construct a concrete foundation according to our designated drawing
2. The required strength of the base concrete must be at least 180kg/cm2.
3. The required width of the each concrete plinths must be at least 300mm.
    (Standard 400mm) , width 600mm.
    The distance  the concrete center and next concrete center is 1M.
    The tank in units od 500mm, ask for our technical team.
   ( Ex. 2.5M x 3.0M x height )
4. The height of the between tank and bottom must be at least 600m for
     water drainage , maintenance and repair,(Include steel skid height)
5. The width of between tank and wall must be at least 600mm for
    maintenance and repairs.
6. The required space of the between tank top and roof at least 1M for
    opening manhole cover.
7. Concrete Plinth surface must be accurate leveling.
8. Concrete should be integrated with the building structure for safety.
9. The scope of construction is up to the flange fitted to the position to
    connect the prping. construction is required for piping connection.
10. When installing the PVC flange, the thick flange should be fitting 
     to the tank side.
11. Customer should piping work after install tank.

Project :
Tank Size : 5.0M x 8.0M x 3M/H - Insulated
Tank Capacity : 120.0Ton
Effective Capacity (80%) : 96Ton
Refer :
Main Product :
- GRP TANK (SMC TANK) . GRP Sectional Panel Water Tank .
- GRP Manhole and Cover
H.Q: 194-6, Yulma-Ro, Daegot-Myun, Gimpo-City, Gyeonggi-Do, South Korea
- Water Tank Dep't : T. +82 31 997 8704 F. +82 31 997 8705
- Manhole Dep't : T. +82 31 989 8705 F. +82 31 989 8705
Http : www.grptank.com   (Eng) E-mail : info@grptank.com
주요생산품목 (SMC/GFRP재질 강화플라스틱)
SMC 물탱크(조립식) , 내진 SMC물탱크.
한전맨홀(지중용 저압접속함체/인입용&간선용)
통신맨홀 . 소화전맨홀 . 신호등맨홀 , 전기맨홀
본사 : 경기도 김포시 대곶면 율마로194번길6
031-997 8704 Fax. 031-997 8705
031-989 8710 Fax. 031-989 8705

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