2007년 9월 29일 토요일

WRAS Approved Materials:Glass Reinforced Plastics(GRP)

WRAS Approved Materials

Glass Reinforced Plastics (GRP)
Section 5120 COMPONENTS

Listing Number 0703520

Flosto GRP SMC 523/35. Hot press moulded light grey coloured tank panel. Cold water use only.
Supplier: Devi Polymers Private Ltd
Listing Number 0509523

Glass reinforced vinylester olive coloured pipe. For use in contact with water up to 40°C.
Supplier: Abu Dhabi Pipe Factory
Listing Number 0502508

ADPF - GRP. Translucent light green glass reinforced polyester pipe with Isophthalic resin. For cold water and hot water use up to 40°C.
Supplier: Abu Dhabi Pipe Factory
Listing Number 0502507

ADPF - GRE. Translucent light green glass reinforced epoxy pipe For cold water and hot water use up to 40°C.
Supplier: Abu Dhabi Pipe Factory
Listing Number 0608511

GRE pipe 008M24405. Translucent green coloured pipe. Cold water and hot water use up to 60°C.
Supplier: Advanced Composites FZC
Listing Number 0508531

GRP pipe and fittings. For cold water and hot water use up to 50°C.
Supplier: Amitech Saudi Arabian for Fibreglass Co (Amitech)
Listing Number 0603516

Anabeeb GRP potable water pipe. For cold water and hot water use up to 50°C.
Supplier: Anabeeb Pipes Manufacturing Factories
Listing Number 0609518

Anchor-Link (*). Grey coloured and Ivory coloured SMC moulded GRP tank panel. For cold water and hot water use up to 50°C.
Supplier: Anchor Link SDN BHD
Listing Number 0305510

GRP grey coloured ladder section. Cold water use only.
Supplier: Chemglass Ltd
Listing Number 0505508

CPI-PS. Pale yellow coloured GRP pipe. For cold water and hot water use up to 60°C.
Supplier: Composite Pipes Industry LLC
Listing Number 0301529

Unipanel. Grey coloured GRP (SMC) hot press moulded tank panels. Cold water use only.
Supplier: Decca Plastics Ltd
Listing Number 0301524

Flosto. Grey coloured GRP (SMC) hot press moulded panel tanks. Cold water use only.
Supplier: Devi Polymers Private Ltd
Listing Number 0405515

DPFC-GRP. Off-white/grey and beige coloure pipe and fittings. For cold water and hot water use up to 50°C.
Supplier: Dubai Pipes Factory Co LLC
Listing Number 0608518

Extralite HL/DWF-15-06. GRP beige pipe fitting. For cold water and hot water use up to 50°C.
Supplier: Extra Co Fibre Glass & Prefab Houses LLC
Listing Number 0608519

Extralite FW/DWP-200-15-06. GRPgreen pipe. For cold water and hot water use up to 50°C.
Supplier: Extra Co Fibre Glass & Prefab Houses LLC
Listing Number 0606501

Farapol ortho polyester. Translucent beige GRP pipe. For cold water and hot water use up to 50°C.
Supplier: Fara Paye Zhad Chemical Industries
Listing Number 0512508

Farapol 101. Off white coloured GRP pipe. For cold water and hot water use up to 40°C.
Supplier: Farassan
Listing Number 0410502

Farapipe based on Farapol 101 polyester. Off-white coloured pipe. Cold water use only.
Supplier: Farassan Manufacturing & Industrial Company
Listing Number 0502512

Force 800. Grey coloured pultruded glass reinforced polyester resin profiles. Cold water use only.
Supplier: Fibreforce Composites Ltd
Listing Number 0307523

GRP-FPI(E) - Fiberstrong. Beige translucent coloured pipe. Cold water and hot water use up to 50°C.
Supplier: Future Pipe Industries (SAE)
Listing Number 0310511

GRE-FPI(E) - Wavistrong. Yellow translucent coloured glass reinforced epoxy pipe. Cold water and hot water use up to 85°C.
Supplier: Future Pipe Industries (SAE)
Listing Number 0406523

Wavistrong Series ES. Yellow coloured glass fibre reinforced epoxy pipe system. Helical wound glass fibres impregnated in thermosetting amine cured epoxy resin. Cold water use only.
Supplier: Future Pipe Industries BV
Listing Number 0210508

GRE-FPI-Wavistrong. Translucent yellowish GRP pipe. For cold water and hot water use up to 85°C. This product is translucent and therefore not suitable for use in fittings where it may be exposed to light.
Supplier: Future Pipe Industries LLC
Listing Number 0308502

GRP-FPI-KSA Fiberstrong. Beige coloured GRP pipe. For cold water and hot water use up to 50°C.
Supplier: Future Pipe Industries LLC-KSA
Listing Number 0209513

PW-GEI-EEII. GRE translucent natural pipe. For cold water and hot water use up to 85°C. This product is translucent and therefore not suitable for use in fittings where it may be exposed to light.
Supplier: Gulf Eternit Industries Co Ltd
Listing Number 0409528

Hepworth PME. Honey coloured GRP pipe and fittings. For cold water and hot water use up to 50°C.
Supplier: Hepworth PME
Listing Number 0502516

Atlac 580. Translucent beige GRP with vinylester resin. For cold water and hot water use up to 60°C.
Supplier: Iniziative Industriali Spa
Listing Number 0609503

NIKKO. Cream coloured FRP water tank panel. For cold water and hot water use up to 50°C.
Supplier: New Trade Links Ltd
Listing Number 0608506

NP501A (Nema FR-4). Translucent natural coloured GRE isolation sealing gasket. For cold water and hot water use up to 50°C.
Supplier: Pikotek
Listing Number 0609513

Bondstrand 3400/2000G. Brown coloured GRE pipe. Cold water use only.
Supplier: PPG Industries Netherlands BV
Listing Number 0303522

GRP pipe and fittings. Yellow coloured GRP. For potable cold water and hot water use up to 50°C.
Supplier: Superlit Boru Ve Levha San A.S

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